Fachhochschule St. Pölten (STPUAS)

Fachhochschule St. Pölten (STPUAS)

The St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences is a provider of higher education within the areas of Rail Technology & Mobility, Health Sciences, Computer Science & Security, Digital Business & Innovation, Media & Digital Technologies, and Social Sciences.

In the Accelerate Future HEI project STPUAS is represented by the team of Service Unit Research and Knowledge Transfer

Founded in
Faculty & Researchers

OUR VISION for entrepreneurial and innovative transformation

Creating societal impact

Our primary goal is to create added value for society, serving as a trusted partner committed to fostering an inclusive, resilient, and progressive community.

Seizing market opportunities

We actively recognize and leverage market opportunities, positioning ourselves to contribute meaningfully to societal needs.

Empowering people and communities

As a trusted partner of the European University Alliance, we are an inspirational source of knowledge transfer “in and with our communities” and the acquisition of skills for all people who care about contributing to an inclusive, resilient and progressive society.

Our Strengths

Regionally anchored and internationally connected

Interdisciplinary teaching and learning and research

Applied and challenge based research and training